Ta da – thing 23!


Firstly, I am pleased I have actually completed 23 things this year.  Much more successful than last year’s attempt where I signed up and then never found the time to actually complete any of the things.

I have found the whole cpd23 experience a good practice opportunity to practice reflective writing, which I think will be doubly good experience if I ever decided to do a chartership in the future.

The things/ tools I have taken on board from this are Endnote and Dropbox, (both of which I now use on a daily basis) and Prezi.  I had already been using Prezi for a project at work; I am still working on the project and I noticed this week that Prezi has recently updated making it slightly more straightforward to use.  I need to find some time to get back to the other tools such as Mendeley and Linkedin to use them properly.

23 things has also been really good for reading other people’s blogs.  There is such a variety of LIS jobs out there, so it has been really interesting to read other people’s take on things from the perspective of their job roles.  Therefore I also found contributing to the Library Routes project extremely insightful  (perhaps I’m just nosey).  People have had so many different routes into the profession; though many, like myself, seemed to unexpectedly find themselves working in a library but everyone one had different causes and it’s so great that all of us felt that it was a path we wanted to continue down for the foreseeable future.  Writing my library route also made me realise that I have already worked in several different LIS jobs, all of them good in their differing ways and I’ve actually been in the LIS sector longer than it feels like – time flies when you’re having fun and all that! 

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